Meet our November 2021 Shopping Spree Winner, Cathy!


Meet our November 2021 Shopping Spree Winner, Cathy!


Meet our November 2021 Shopping Spree Winner, Cathy!


Cathy lives in Buchanan, Virginia with her husband of 45 years, R.D. She learned to quilt from her mother, Virginia while still in high school. They made several quilts together on a new Singer Touch and Sew her mother gave her for Christmas, and hand quilting them on a frame in the living room. From that time on she has enjoyed quilting for her family mostly. Since retiring from her full-time job of 40 years as a mechanical designer for a local manufacturing company in 2017, she has become active in two quilt guilds and has gradually learned how to machine quilt using a sit-down longarm. R.D is very supportive of her “hobby” and is always up for a trip to a quilt shop or show. “I’ve met so many wonderful people through this great hobby that is really a lifestyle. The community of quilters not only challenges me to be a better quilter, they also enrich my life with their friendships. I’d be lost without quilting!”

If you've been getting my emails for a while, I don't need to tell you that featuring the monthly winner is my favorite thing to write about in them. I have a few quilts to share that she's entered into the drawings this year. I hope you enjoy them. She is a creative force, that's for sure. The one directly below, she hand-embroidered the center block and colored it in with crayons! The picture gets a little fuzzy when I zoom in, but it looks like the cream-colored section is stippled, and I recognize our Playful Border #60020 on the green border. I have to say coloring in the holly leaves and embroidering the outlines, and main lines is a brilliant idea! Who doesn't love to color?! Anyway, sorry, I'm getting carried away. I know I share these things to inspire you, but I can't help but be inspired myself. Enjoy the eye candy. It's zero calories and very sweet!



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